How to win complexity…

 – but think of it as a hidden potential!



Market Demand:

Better Structures

“Few doubt the significant challenges our society faces today: the Climate crisis, Well-being crisis, Labor crisis, Health crisis – the list goes on.

At the core, we have one resource as humanity to address these issues: organizing ourselves in a way that allows a group of individuals to collaborate most effectively.

But what type of organization and leadership can unleash the creativity, intuition, intelligence, and humanity needed for us to collaborate and tackle our most pressing challenges? Do we believe that the types of organizations we’ve used in the past will also be relevant and effective in driving the massive transformations toward a sustainable society that the 21st century demands?

New data from the Leaders’ Leadership Panel as of June 2023 also indicates that many businesses and organizations are questioning whether they have the right organizational structure. In a recent survey of nearly 1,500 leaders, half of them reported that their organizational structure is only somewhat (40 percent) or not at all (10 percent) suitable for addressing their tasks and fulfilling their company’s strategy. Additionally, a whopping 61 percent anticipate that future changes will necessitate a shift in their organizational structure.”

– source: Mandag Morgen

“In a recent survey of nearly 1,500 leaders, half of them reported that their organizational structure is only somewhat (40 percent) or not at all (10 percent) suitable for addressing their tasks and fulfilling their company’s strategy.”

Our actions and decisions today will shape the way we will be living in the future.

Good processes can set organizations free
with or without
Common view
How do you win complexity
Time for chaos
Connecting parts


Why is Global Goal 8 important?


Sustained and inclusive economic growth is a prerequisite for sustainable development, which can contribute to improved livelihoods for people around the world. Economic growth can lead to new and better employment opportunities and provide greater economic security for all.

Economic growth should be a positive force for the whole planet.This is why we must make sure that financial progress creates decent and fulfilling jobs while not harming the environment. However, a number of innovations are needed to make the requested transformation – and within a fairly limited timeframe.

We, at Whitebox, are specialist at enhancing the structures making this innovation possible with the needed pace.