Project rISK RADAR

Learning from past projects is the best way to baseline performance
and set ambitions for your next project
On one side of the spectrum, your project holds the potential to replicate the astounding efficiency witnessed during the construction of the Empire State Building in 1931. This iconic structure was successfully completed within a mere 1 year and 44 days, wrapping up under budget and even ahead of its scheduled opening by several weeks.
Conversely, on the opposite end of the spectrum, your project might confront challenges reminiscent of those encountered during the construction of the Sydney Opera House. This celebrated landmark, plagued by budget overruns of a staggering 1300%, suffered a 10-year delay from its original timeline. So, what level of ambition do you envision?
Whitebox PROJECT RISK RADAR positions your project on the scale and PROJECT PRIMER moves your project towards the more efficient end of this scale.
Our careful evaluations expose underlying risks, empowering stakeholders with the right knowledge to mitigate and minimize project risks.
Unlock the Power of Project Risk Awareness
Curious? Take the “Risk Awareness Test” and get Whitebox’s quick&dirty risk assessment based on your input, or feel free to benefit from your own reflection on your answers.